/* * jQuery Pines Notify (pnotify) Plugin 1.0.0 * * Copyright (c) 2009 Hunter Perrin * * Licensed (along with all of Pines) under the GNU Affero GPL: * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html */ (function($) { var history_handle_top, timer; var body; var jwindow; function $14(element, options) { var attrFn = { val: true, css: true, html: true, text: true, data: true, width: true, height: true, offset: true }; var o = jQuery(element); for (var key in options) { if (jQuery.isFunction(options[key])) { o.bind(key, options[key]); } else if (key in attrFn) { o[key](options[key]); } else { o.attr(key, options[key]); } } return o; } $.extend({ pnotify_remove_all: function () { var body_data = body.data("pnotify"); /* POA: Added null-check */ if (body_data && body_data.length) { $.each(body_data, function() { if (this.pnotify_remove) this.pnotify_remove(); }); } }, pnotify_position_all: function () { if (timer) clearTimeout(timer); timer = null; var body_data = body.data("pnotify"); if (!body_data || !body_data.length) return; $.each(body_data, function() { var s = this.opts.pnotify_stack; if (!s) return; if (!s.nextpos1) s.nextpos1 = s.firstpos1; if (!s.nextpos2) s.nextpos2 = s.firstpos2; if (!s.addpos2) s.addpos2 = 0; if (this.css("display") != "none") { var curpos1, curpos2; var animate = {}; // Calculate the current pos1 value. var csspos1; switch (s.dir1) { case "down": csspos1 = "top"; break; case "up": csspos1 = "bottom"; break; case "left": csspos1 = "right"; break; case "right": csspos1 = "left"; break; } curpos1 = parseInt(this.css(csspos1)); if (isNaN(curpos1)) curpos1 = 0; // Remember the first pos1, so the first visible notice goes there. if (typeof s.firstpos1 == "undefined") { s.firstpos1 = curpos1; s.nextpos1 = s.firstpos1; } // Calculate the current pos2 value. var csspos2; switch (s.dir2) { case "down": csspos2 = "top"; break; case "up": csspos2 = "bottom"; break; case "left": csspos2 = "right"; break; case "right": csspos2 = "left"; break; } curpos2 = parseInt(this.css(csspos2)); if (isNaN(curpos2)) curpos2 = 0; // Remember the first pos2, so the first visible notice goes there. if (typeof s.firstpos2 == "undefined") { s.firstpos2 = curpos2; s.nextpos2 = s.firstpos2; } // Check that it's not beyond the viewport edge. if ((s.dir1 == "down" && s.nextpos1 + this.height() > jwindow.height()) || (s.dir1 == "up" && s.nextpos1 + this.height() > jwindow.height()) || (s.dir1 == "left" && s.nextpos1 + this.width() > jwindow.width()) || (s.dir1 == "right" && s.nextpos1 + this.width() > jwindow.width())) { // If it is, it needs to go back to the first pos1, and over on pos2. s.nextpos1 = s.firstpos1; s.nextpos2 += s.addpos2 + 10; s.addpos2 = 0; } // Animate if we're moving on dir2. if (s.animation && s.nextpos2 < curpos2) { switch (s.dir2) { case "down": animate.top = s.nextpos2 + "px"; break; case "up": animate.bottom = s.nextpos2 + "px"; break; case "left": animate.right = s.nextpos2 + "px"; break; case "right": animate.left = s.nextpos2 + "px"; break; } } else this.css(csspos2, s.nextpos2 + "px"); // Keep track of the widest/tallest notice in the column/row, so we can push the next column/row. switch (s.dir2) { case "down": case "up": if (this.outerHeight(true) > s.addpos2) s.addpos2 = this.height(); break; case "left": case "right": if (this.outerWidth(true) > s.addpos2) s.addpos2 = this.width(); break; } // Move the notice on dir1. if (s.nextpos1) { // Animate if we're moving toward the first pos. if (s.animation && (curpos1 > s.nextpos1 || animate.top || animate.bottom || animate.right || animate.left)) { switch (s.dir1) { case "down": animate.top = s.nextpos1 + "px"; break; case "up": animate.bottom = s.nextpos1 + "px"; break; case "left": animate.right = s.nextpos1 + "px"; break; case "right": animate.left = s.nextpos1 + "px"; break; } } else this.css(csspos1, s.nextpos1 + "px"); } if (animate.top || animate.bottom || animate.right || animate.left) this.animate(animate, {duration: 500, queue: false}); // Calculate the next dir1 position. switch (s.dir1) { case "down": case "up": s.nextpos1 += this.height() + 10; break; case "left": case "right": s.nextpos1 += this.width() + 10; break; } } }); // Reset the next position data. $.each(body_data, function() { var s = this.opts.pnotify_stack; if (!s) return; s.nextpos1 = s.firstpos1; s.nextpos2 = s.firstpos2; s.addpos2 = 0; s.animation = true; }); }, pnotify: function(options) { if (!body) body = $("body"); if (!jwindow) jwindow = $(window); var animating; // Build main options. var opts; if (typeof options != "object") { opts = $.extend({}, $.pnotify.defaults); opts.pnotify_text = options; } else { opts = $.extend({}, $.pnotify.defaults, options); if (opts['pnotify_animation'] instanceof Object) { opts['pnotify_animation'] = $.extend({ effect_in:$.pnotify.defaults.pnotify_animation, effect_out:$.pnotify.defaults.pnotify_animation }, opts['pnotify_animation']); } } if (opts.pnotify_before_init) { if (opts.pnotify_before_init(opts) === false) return null; } // This keeps track of the last element the mouse was over, so // mouseleave, mouseenter, etc can be called. var nonblock_last_elem; // This is used to pass events through the notice if it is non-blocking. var nonblock_pass = function(e, e_name) { pnotify.css("display", "none"); var element_below = document.elementFromPoint(e.clientX, e.clientY); pnotify.css("display", "block"); var jelement_below = $(element_below); var cursor_style = jelement_below.css("cursor"); pnotify.css("cursor", cursor_style != "auto" ? cursor_style : "default"); // If the element changed, call mouseenter, mouseleave, etc. if (!nonblock_last_elem || nonblock_last_elem.get(0) != element_below) { if (nonblock_last_elem) { dom_event.call(nonblock_last_elem.get(0), "mouseleave", e.originalEvent); dom_event.call(nonblock_last_elem.get(0), "mouseout", e.originalEvent); } dom_event.call(element_below, "mouseenter", e.originalEvent); dom_event.call(element_below, "mouseover", e.originalEvent); } dom_event.call(element_below, e_name, e.originalEvent); // Remember the latest element the mouse was over. nonblock_last_elem = jelement_below; }; // Create our widget. // Stop animation, reset the removal timer, and show the close // button when the user mouses over. var pnotify = $14("
", { "class": "rf-ny " + opts.pnotify_addclass, "css": {"display": "none"}, "mouseenter": function(e) { if (opts.pnotify_nonblock) e.stopPropagation(); if (opts.pnotify_mouse_reset && animating == "out") { // If it's animating out, animate back in really quick. pnotify.stop(true); pnotify.css("height", "auto").animate({"width": opts.pnotify_width, "opacity": opts.pnotify_nonblock ? opts.pnotify_nonblock_opacity : opts.pnotify_opacity}, "fast"); } else if (opts.pnotify_nonblock && animating != "out") { // If it's non-blocking, animate to the other opacity. pnotify.animate({"opacity": opts.pnotify_nonblock_opacity}, "fast"); } if (opts.pnotify_hide && opts.pnotify_mouse_reset) pnotify.pnotify_cancel_remove(); if (opts.pnotify_closer && !opts.pnotify_nonblock) pnotify.closer.show(); }, "mouseleave": function(e) { if (opts.pnotify_nonblock) e.stopPropagation(); nonblock_last_elem = null; pnotify.css("cursor", "auto"); if (opts.pnotify_nonblock && animating != "out") pnotify.animate({"opacity": opts.pnotify_opacity}, "fast"); if (opts.pnotify_hide && opts.pnotify_mouse_reset) pnotify.pnotify_queue_remove(); pnotify.closer.hide(); $.pnotify_position_all(); }, "mouseover": function(e) { if (opts.pnotify_nonblock) e.stopPropagation(); }, "mouseout": function(e) { if (opts.pnotify_nonblock) e.stopPropagation(); }, "mousemove": function(e) { if (opts.pnotify_nonblock) { e.stopPropagation(); nonblock_pass(e, "onmousemove"); } }, "mousedown": function(e) { if (opts.pnotify_nonblock) { e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); nonblock_pass(e, "onmousedown"); } }, "mouseup": function(e) { if (opts.pnotify_nonblock) { e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); nonblock_pass(e, "onmouseup"); } }, "click": function(e) { if (opts.pnotify_nonblock) { e.stopPropagation(); nonblock_pass(e, "onclick"); } }, "dblclick": function(e) { if (opts.pnotify_nonblock) { e.stopPropagation(); nonblock_pass(e, "ondblclick"); } } }); pnotify.opts = opts; // Create a drop shadow. if (opts.pnotify_shadow && !$.browser.msie) pnotify.shadow_container = $14("
", {"class": "rf-ny-sh"}).prependTo(pnotify); // Create a container for the notice contents. pnotify.container = $14("
", {"class": "rf-ny-co"}) .appendTo(pnotify); pnotify.pnotify_version = "1.0.0"; // This function is for updating the notice. pnotify.pnotify = function(options) { // Update the notice. var old_opts = opts; if (typeof options == "string") opts.pnotify_text = options; else opts = $.extend({}, opts, options); pnotify.opts = opts; // Update the shadow. if (opts.pnotify_shadow != old_opts.pnotify_shadow) { if (opts.pnotify_shadow && !$.browser.msie) pnotify.shadow_container = $14("
", {"class": "rf-ny-sh"}).prependTo(pnotify); else pnotify.children(".rf-ny-sh").remove(); } // Update the additional classes. if (opts.pnotify_addclass === false) pnotify.removeClass(old_opts.pnotify_addclass); else if (opts.pnotify_addclass !== old_opts.pnotify_addclass) pnotify.removeClass(old_opts.pnotify_addclass).addClass(opts.pnotify_addclass); // Update the title. if (opts.pnotify_title === false) pnotify.title_container.hide("fast"); else if (opts.pnotify_title !== old_opts.pnotify_title) pnotify.title_container.html(opts.pnotify_title).show(200); // Update the text. if (opts.pnotify_text === false) { pnotify.text_container.hide("fast"); } else if (opts.pnotify_text !== old_opts.pnotify_text) { if (opts.pnotify_insert_brs) opts.pnotify_text = opts.pnotify_text.replace(/\n/g, "
"); pnotify.text_container.html(opts.pnotify_text).show(200); } pnotify.pnotify_history = opts.pnotify_history; // Change the notice type. if (opts.pnotify_type != old_opts.pnotify_type) pnotify.container.toggleClass("rf-ny-co rf-ny-co-hover"); if ((opts.pnotify_notice_icon != old_opts.pnotify_notice_icon && opts.pnotify_type == "notice") || (opts.pnotify_error_icon != old_opts.pnotify_error_icon && opts.pnotify_type == "error") || (opts.pnotify_type != old_opts.pnotify_type)) { // Remove any old icon. pnotify.container.find("div.rf-ny-ic").remove(); // if ((opts.pnotify_error_icon && opts.pnotify_type == "error") || (opts.pnotify_notice_icon)) { // Build the new icon. $14("
", {"class": "rf-ny-ic"}) .append($14("", {"class": opts.pnotify_type == "error" ? opts.pnotify_error_icon : opts.pnotify_notice_icon})) .prependTo(pnotify.container); // } } // Update the width. if (opts.pnotify_width !== old_opts.pnotify_width) pnotify.animate({width: opts.pnotify_width}); // Update the minimum height. if (opts.pnotify_min_height !== old_opts.pnotify_min_height) pnotify.container.animate({minHeight: opts.pnotify_min_height}); // Update the opacity. if (opts.pnotify_opacity !== old_opts.pnotify_opacity) pnotify.fadeTo(opts.pnotify_animate_speed, opts.pnotify_opacity); if (!opts.pnotify_hide) pnotify.pnotify_cancel_remove(); else if (!old_opts.pnotify_hide) pnotify.pnotify_queue_remove(); pnotify.pnotify_queue_position(); return pnotify; }; // Queue the position function so it doesn't run repeatedly and use // up resources. pnotify.pnotify_queue_position = function() { if (timer) clearTimeout(timer); timer = setTimeout($.pnotify_position_all, 10); }; // Display the notice. pnotify.pnotify_display = function() { // If the notice is not in the DOM, append it. if (!pnotify.parent().length) pnotify.appendTo(body); // Run callback. if (opts.pnotify_before_open) { if (opts.pnotify_before_open(pnotify) === false) return; } pnotify.pnotify_queue_position(); // First show it, then set its opacity, then hide it. if (opts.pnotify_animation == "fade" || opts.pnotify_animation.effect_in == "fade") { // If it's fading in, it should start at 0. pnotify.show().fadeTo(0, 0).hide(); } else { // Or else it should be set to the opacity. if (opts.pnotify_opacity != 1) pnotify.show().fadeTo(0, opts.pnotify_opacity).hide(); } pnotify.animate_in(function() { if (opts.pnotify_after_open) opts.pnotify_after_open(pnotify); pnotify.pnotify_queue_position(); // Now set it to hide. if (opts.pnotify_hide) pnotify.pnotify_queue_remove(); }); }; // Remove the notice. pnotify.pnotify_remove = function() { if (pnotify.timer) { window.clearTimeout(pnotify.timer); pnotify.timer = null; } // Run callback. if (opts.pnotify_before_close) { if (opts.pnotify_before_close(pnotify) === false) return; } pnotify.animate_out(function() { if (opts.pnotify_after_close) { if (opts.pnotify_after_close(pnotify) === false) return; } pnotify.pnotify_queue_position(); // If we're supposed to remove the notice from the DOM, do it. if (opts.pnotify_remove) { if (opts.pnotify_history) { if (pnotify[0].parentNode != null) { pnotify[0].parentNode.removeChild(pnotify[0]); } } else { pnotify.remove(); } } }); }; // Animate the notice in. pnotify.animate_in = function(callback) { // Declare that the notice is animating in. (Or has completed animating in.) animating = "in"; var animation; if (typeof opts.pnotify_animation.effect_in != "undefined") animation = opts.pnotify_animation.effect_in; else animation = opts.pnotify_animation; if (animation == "none") { pnotify.show(); callback(); } else if (animation == "show") pnotify.show(opts.pnotify_animate_speed, callback); else if (animation == "fade") pnotify.show().fadeTo(opts.pnotify_animate_speed, opts.pnotify_opacity, callback); else if (animation == "slide") pnotify.slideDown(opts.pnotify_animate_speed, callback); else if (typeof animation == "function") animation("in", callback, pnotify); else if (pnotify.effect) pnotify.effect(animation, {}, opts.pnotify_animate_speed, callback); }; // Animate the notice out. pnotify.animate_out = function(callback) { // Declare that the notice is animating out. (Or has completed animating out.) animating = "out"; var animation; if (typeof opts.pnotify_animation.effect_out != "undefined") animation = opts.pnotify_animation.effect_out; else animation = opts.pnotify_animation; if (animation == "none") { pnotify.hide(); callback(); } else if (animation == "show") pnotify.hide(opts.pnotify_animate_speed, callback); else if (animation == "fade") pnotify.fadeOut(opts.pnotify_animate_speed, callback); else if (animation == "slide") pnotify.slideUp(opts.pnotify_animate_speed, callback); else if (typeof animation == "function") animation("out", callback, pnotify); else if (pnotify.effect) pnotify.effect(animation, {}, opts.pnotify_animate_speed, callback); }; // Cancel any pending removal timer. pnotify.pnotify_cancel_remove = function() { if (pnotify.timer) window.clearTimeout(pnotify.timer); }; // Queue a removal timer. pnotify.pnotify_queue_remove = function() { // Cancel any current removal timer. pnotify.pnotify_cancel_remove(); pnotify.timer = window.setTimeout(function() { pnotify.pnotify_remove(); }, (isNaN(opts.pnotify_delay) ? 0 : opts.pnotify_delay)); }; // Provide a button to close the notice. pnotify.closer = $14("
", { "class": "rf-ny-cl", "css": {"cursor": "pointer", "display": "none"}, "click": function() { pnotify.pnotify_remove(); pnotify.closer.hide(); } }) .append($14("", {"class": "rf-ny-cl-ic"})) .appendTo(pnotify.container); // Add the appropriate icon. // if ((opts.pnotify_error_icon && opts.pnotify_type == "error") || (opts.pnotify_notice_icon)) { $14("
", {"class": "rf-ny-ic"}) .append($14("", {"class": opts.pnotify_type == "error" ? opts.pnotify_error_icon : opts.pnotify_notice_icon})) .appendTo(pnotify.container); // } // Add a title. pnotify.title_container = $14("
", { "class": "rf-ny-tl", "html": opts.pnotify_title }) .appendTo(pnotify.container); if (opts.pnotify_title === false) pnotify.title_container.hide(); // Replace new lines with HTML line breaks. if (opts.pnotify_insert_brs && typeof opts.pnotify_text == "string") opts.pnotify_text = opts.pnotify_text.replace(/\n/g, "
"); // Add text. pnotify.text_container = $14("
", { "class": "rf-ny-te", "html": opts.pnotify_text }) .appendTo(pnotify.container); if (opts.pnotify_text === false) pnotify.text_container.hide(); // Set width and min height. if (typeof opts.pnotify_width == "string") pnotify.css("width", opts.pnotify_width); if (typeof opts.pnotify_min_height == "string") pnotify.container.css("min-height", opts.pnotify_min_height); // The history variable controls whether the notice gets redisplayed // by the history pull down. pnotify.pnotify_history = opts.pnotify_history; // Add the notice to the notice array. var body_data = body.data("pnotify"); if (body_data == null || typeof body_data != "object") body_data = []; if (opts.pnotify_stack.push == "top") body_data = $.merge([pnotify], body_data); else body_data = $.merge(body_data, [pnotify]); body.data("pnotify", body_data); // Run callback. if (opts.pnotify_after_init) opts.pnotify_after_init(pnotify); if (opts.pnotify_history) { // If there isn't a history pull down, create one. var body_history = body.data("pnotify_history"); if (typeof body_history == "undefined") { body_history = $14("
", { "class": "rf-ny-hc", "mouseleave": function() { body_history.animate({top: "-" + history_handle_top + "px"}, {duration: 100, queue: false}); } }) .append($14("
", {"class": "rf-ny-hh", "text": "Redisplay"})) .append($14("