org.richfaces.GmapMarker org.richfaces.GmapMarker org.richfaces.component.html.HtmlGmapMarker org.richfaces.component.UIGmapMarker . ]]> org.richfaces.GmapMarkerRenderer org.richfaces.renderkit.html.GmapMarkerRenderer gmapMarker org.richfaces.taglib.GmapMarkerTag org.ajax4jsf.webapp.taglib.HtmlComponentTagBase org.richfaces.taglib.HtmlGmapMarkerTagTest org.ajax4jsf.tests.AbstractJspTestCase &ui_component_attributes; latitude java.lang.Double The latitude coordinate in degrees, as a number between -90 and +90. longitude java.lang.Double The longitude coordinate in degrees, as a number between -180 and +180. autoPan boolean Auto-pan the map as you drag the marker near the edge. true bouncy boolean Toggles whether or not the marker should bounce up and down after it finishes dragging. false bounceGravity java.lang.Double When finishing dragging, this number is used to define the acceleration rate of the marker during the bounce down to earth. 1d clickable boolean Toggles whether or not the marker is clickable. Markers that are not clickable or draggable are inert, consume less resources and do not respond to any events. false draggable boolean Toggles whether or not the marker will be draggable by users. Markers set up to be dragged require more resources to set up than markers that are clickable. Any marker that is draggable is also clickable, bouncy and auto-pan enabled by default. false dragCrossMove boolean When dragging markers normally, the marker floats up and away from the cursor. Setting this value to true keeps the marker underneath the cursor, and moves the cross downwards instead. false hide boolean When true, indicates that the map should not initially display the GMarker. To turn on the overlay, call false icon java.lang.String Chooses the Icon for this class. If not specified, G_DEFAULT_ICON is used. null iconHeight java.lang.Integer The height of the icon. null iconWidth java.lang.Integer The width of the icon. null title java.lang.String This string will appear as tooltip on the marker, i.e. it will work just as the title attribute on HTML elements. null onclick java.lang.String This event is fired when the marker icon was clicked, passing in the current coordinate of the marker within its latlng argument. Notice that this event will also fire for the map, with the marker passed as the first argument to the event handler there. null